McDonald PTA: Who We Are

McDonald Intenational PTA has recently been recognized by Washington State PTA as a Gold Membership Growth Award recipient! PTAs are presented with this award for enrolling at least 10% more members this year than last year. That means our PTA is growing!

Growing our membership isn’t just about having more voices from our school—it’s also about amplifying the voices of children whose perspectives are often underrepresented. The more diverse voices we have, the stronger our PTA becomes in advocating for all of our students, supporting our program at McDonald, and fostering greater equity across the district. Thank you to all of our PTA Members!

The McDonald Elementary Parent Teacher Association is an inclusive organization of enthusiastic parents, teachers and community leaders. We are dedicated to supporting our school through volunteering, community-building, and fundraising.


There are many ways to contribute. Whether you donate financially or volunteer your time, you're making McDonald International School better for our kids.

Our Mission: McDonald Elementary PTA is an inclusive organization of McDonald parents and teachers that supports McDonald International School through volunteering, community-building and fundraising. We believe that an active, involved and effective PTA makes a crucial contribution to our community and to the academic success of our children's school.

National PTA Mission: The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. PTAs serve as a forum where parents, teachers, administrators, and other concerned adults discuss ways to promote quality education, strive to expand the arts, encourage community involvement, and work for a healthy environment and safe neighborhoods.

2024-25 McDonald Elementary PTA Board

Executive Board 

These positions are elected each school year by the PTA membership.

Joe Klarman

Vice Presidents
Lily Eakin & Andrea Rangel

Secretary & Membership Chairs
Melanie Brown

Treasurer & Co-Treasurer
Darrell Akana

Additional Board Members

The following positions are appointed by the Executive Board.

Fundraising Chair
Laura Violante

Volunteer Coordinator
Kelly Frawley

Communications Chair
Stephanie Rothfuss

Events Coordinator
Cady Fuste

Building Leadership Team (BLT) Liaisons
Tony Grob & Gillian Weiss

Dual-Language Immersion (DLI) Advocacy Representative

Legislative Advocacy
Danica Noble

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) Chair
Becky Beard

PTA Committees (non-Board positions)

After-School Enrichment Coordinator
Laura Munro

Guest Teacher Committee
Miko Pollard, Rachel Fyall, Sixta Morel, Naomi

News Team: Mac’s Facts, Facebook page, announcement A-boards (2) in front of school, PTA website, PTA school directory, Google groups.

Nominating Committee: Each year, a Nominating Committee is tasked with filling PTA Board positions for the following school year. All parents are encouraged to consider joining our board. This is YOUR school. Be a part of the operations and decisions that make it a school you are proud of! 

Nominations can be made in April by filling out the online form or submitting the print version via email or hard copy to the PTA mailbox in the main office. The election for Executive Committee positions will be at the May PTA General Meeting, after which the Board of Directors will be appointed.

School Garden Rep
Brianne Pan

If you're interested in joining the board, read about the positions or email with questions.